Prof. Tali Cukierman-Yaffe
Sheba Medical Center, Israel

Prof. Tali Cukierman-Yaffe an endocrinologist, clinical epidemiologist. A senior physician in the Endocrinology Institute, the head of the Centre for Successful Aging with Diabetes at the Sheba Medical Center, head of the Endocrinology & Diabetes service for women & in pregnancy an associate professor at the Epidemiology department at Tel-Aviv University and a member of the Herczeg institute on aging. She is also a PHRI, Mcmaster University, Canada senior international fellow.
The focus of her research is the challenge of treating diabetes in older age. She has published many articles and has given numerous talks on this topic, is part of working groups writing local and international guidelines on this topic and is an invited advisor in forums dealing with this subject. She was PI and took a key role in several cognitive sub-studies of large CV trials in people with diabetes. In the last several years her research has also been focused on finding technological solutions to improve the care of older people with diabetes. She is the PI of a EFSD funded study aimed at developing a technological solution for the replacement of traditional physical capacity assessments for older people with diabetes and a study aimed at developing a digital Digit Substitution Test cognitive assessment tool.