Prof. Nebojsa Lalic
University of Belgrade, Serbia

Nebojša M. Lalić (1958), MD, PhD, FRCP, is currently Professor of Internal Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade as well as Director and Head of the Department for Metabolic Disorders, Intensive Treatment and Cell Therapy in Diabetes, Clinic for Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases, University Clinical Center of Serbia in Belgrade.
Professor Lalic graduated in 1982 at Faculty of Medicine in Belgrade where he completed residency in Internal medicine in 1990, as well as his PhD thesis in 1993. In 1991, he was a visiting scientist at Joslin Diabetes Center, Boston, USA. The principal interest of Professor Lalic scientific work in diabetology/endocrinology has been concentrated on the relationship between insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity impairments in diabetes, and the possibilities of their therapeutic modulation. In this context, he is also intensively involved the use of new technologies, namely insulin pumps and sensors in both types of diabetes. Professor Lalic has been involved in more than 200 papers in extenso in international journals, chapters, monographies and textbooks. He has been an investigator in several national and international projects, reviewer at many international meetings or journals. From 2022, he has been elected to be Chair of IDF European Region.
Professor Lalic has been Chair of the national expert committee for diabetes from 2002. Moreover, he is member in several national and international medical associations and societies. Until now he chaired organizing committee of three EASD Postgraduate Courses in Belgrade and was the member of the EASD Council. Also, he is at present member of the Board and Chair Elect of the IDF Europe.
From 2012-2020 he was the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine University of Belgrade. In addition, he has been elected for corresponding member in 2006 and for the full member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts in 2012.